The Broken Heart

Sunday 24 April 2011

Princess with the broken heart...i've try evrythng to stand up back, to be strong.. although its just happen in one week i feel its like 1 years! The love that i want had gone in front of my eyes...who think its end up with now answer...

I had been waiting fer it..but it never comes to me.. people said if u want it go and grab it!but..its hopeless..
aku sdey gyler jd cm neh...syg yg d'janji just a words!!knpe laa perkataan syg tu sgguh mudah d'luah kn dgn kata2???kn best lau perkataan syg 2 sesusah seperti bby yg bru nak belajar ckp...bila daa dpt ckp sume happy dgr!its like the first words and its come sincerely from the bottom of ur heart!

yg plg aku sedeykn ble org ckp aku yg salh sbb nye aku yg EGO N XPCYE ORG YG SPTOTNYE PLUS AKU MUDAH PERCAYA ORG LAIN! tp jwpn 2 xpna d'bri kn pd org lain yg d'bri jwpn 2! sdgkn aku daa try sume nye utk solve kn prob!aku daa xphm sbnanye ape yg npe!!!!kau lari pd aku nape?!!!!s*******!

is this the best place for me 2 tell the story???hemmm sorry just disappointed with those people..

Aku neh salu nak love story aku cm dlm cite princess..2 sbb aku nak jd princess!konon nye leh jdk g2 laa...hahahha..TERPENHARUG GYLER!
harus kah aku tros menanti???kerana syg 2 msh kuat!dan masih d'dlm hati